NASA's Dawn spacecraft has revealed that the giant asteroid Vesta has
its own version of ring around the collar. Two new papers based on
observations from the low-altitude mapping orbit of the Dawn mission
show that volatile, or easily evaporated materials, have colored Vesta's
surface in a broad swath around its equator.
Pothole-like features mark some of the asteroid's surface where the
volatiles, likely water, released from hydrated minerals boiled off.
While Dawn did not find actual water ice at Vesta, there are signs of
hydrated minerals delivered by meteorites and dust evident in the giant
asteroid's chemistry and geology. The findings appear today in the
journal Science.
One paper, led by Thomas Prettyman, the lead scientist for Dawn's
gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) at the Planetary Science
Institute in Tucson, Ariz., describes how the instrument found
signatures of hydrogen, likely in the form of hydroxyl or water bound to
minerals in Vesta's surface.
"The source of the hydrogen within Vesta's surface appears to be
hydrated minerals delivered by carbon-rich space rocks that collided
with Vesta at speeds slow enough to preserve their volatile content,"
said Prettyman.
A complementary paper, led by Brett Denevi, a Dawn participating
scientist based at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory in Laurel, Md., describes the presence of pitted terrain
created by the release of the volatiles.
Vesta is the second most massive member of the main asteroid belt.
The orbit at which these data were obtained averaged about 130 miles
(210 kilometers) above the surface. Dawn left Vesta earlier this month,
on Sept. 4 PDT (Sept. 5 EDT), and is now on its way to its second
target, the dwarf planet Ceres.
Scientists thought it might be possible for water ice to survive near
the surface around the giant asteroid's poles. Unlike Earth's moon,
however, Vesta has no permanently shadowed polar regions where ice might
survive. The strongest signature for hydrogen in the latest data came
from regions near the equator, where water ice is not stable.
In some cases, other space rocks crashed into these deposits later at
high speed. The heat from the collisions converted the hydrogen bound
to the minerals into water, which evaporated. The holes that were left
as the water escaped stretch as much as 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) across
and go down as deep as 700 feet (200 meters). Seen in images from Dawn's
framing camera, this pitted terrain is best preserved in sections of
Marcia crater.
"The pits look just like features seen on Mars, but while water was
common on Mars, it was totally unexpected on Vesta in these high
abundances," said Denevi. "These results provide evidence that not only
were hydrated materials present, but they played an important role in
shaping the asteroid's geology and the surface we see today."
GRaND's data are the first direct measurements describing the
elemental composition of Vesta's surface. Dawn's elemental investigation
by the instrument determined the ratios of iron to oxygen and iron to
silicon in the surface materials. The new findings solidly confirm the
connection between Vesta and a class of meteorites found on Earth called
the Howardite, Eucrite and Diogenite meteorites, which have the same
ratios for these elements. In addition, more volatile-rich fragments of
other objects have been identified in these meteorites, which supports
the idea that the volatile-rich material was deposited on Vesta.
The Dawn mission is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for
NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. It is a project of the
Discovery Program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, Ala. UCLA is responsible for overall mission science.
Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Va., designed and built the Dawn
The framing cameras were developed and built under the leadership of
the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau,
Germany, with contributions by the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, and in coordination with the
Institute of Computer and Communication Network Engineering,
Braunschweig. The framing camera project is funded by the Max Planck
Society, DLR and NASA. The gamma ray and neutron detector instrument was
built by Los Alamos National Laboratory, N.M., and is operated by the
Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Ariz.
JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
Science is discovering new things. Technology is taking the science and making it into practical, useful, saleable products
Friday, 21 September 2012
Physicists Reveal Striking Similarities in Sporting Performance
Finding the similarities between volleyball and snooker may seem quite
tricky. However, a group of physicists have found that the spread of
scores, otherwise known as distribution, across their ranking systems
are almost identical.
They've also shown that this is the same for almost all sports, whether their ranking systems are based on points or the earnings of each individual or team.
Publishing their study September 21 in the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society's New Journal of Physics, the researchers came to this conclusion by statistically analysing the ranking systems across 12 different sports: tennis, golf, table tennis, volleyball, football, snooker, badminton, basketball, baseball, hockey, handball and fencing.
Rankings are a direct measure of a player or a team's performance and come in different forms. Some sports are ranked using a points system, while others are ranked using earnings. By statistically analysing the rankings and plotting them onto graphs, the researchers found that the distributions for each sport were almost identical.
The reason why the ranking systems have a common distribution is unknown and is the latest example of a phenomenon that abides by the mysterious 'power laws' -- a term used to describe phenomena where large events are rare and small events are common.
In the past, research has shown that the frequency of words in different texts, the size of cities and people's income all abide by the same power law.
Co-author of the study, Dr Wei Li, said: "Let's take human wealth. The chance of being a billionaire is small, but not zero as we see thousands of them in the world. At the same time, the chance of being poor is very high. We call this distribution a power law and, for some unknown reason, witness exactly the same distribution in other everyday phenomena.
"The sports ranking systems we analysed all follow similar power-laws."
The researchers, from Hua-Zhong Normal University, ISMANS (LUNAM Université), Université de Maine and Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, also found that the sport rankings agree with a maxim known as the Pareto principle.
Also known as the 80-20 rule, this states that, for many events, roughly 80 per cent of the effects come from 20 per cent of the causes. Vilfredo Pareto noticed this in 1906 when he found that 80 per cent of Italy's land was owned by 20 per cent of the population. The rule also applied to a variety of other countries he analysed.
In all of the sports analysed, 20 per cent of the players possessed 80 per cent of the total scores of the whole system.
"We all want to be the best or at least one of the best in some aspects. A businessman wants to be Bill Gates; a model wants to be Cindy Crawford; a tennis player wants to be Roger Federer. The idea of ranking is ubiquitous throughout our human society and we have found that for a number of sports, there is a similar law which dictates how these rankings pan out," continued Dr Li.
They've also shown that this is the same for almost all sports, whether their ranking systems are based on points or the earnings of each individual or team.
Publishing their study September 21 in the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society's New Journal of Physics, the researchers came to this conclusion by statistically analysing the ranking systems across 12 different sports: tennis, golf, table tennis, volleyball, football, snooker, badminton, basketball, baseball, hockey, handball and fencing.
Rankings are a direct measure of a player or a team's performance and come in different forms. Some sports are ranked using a points system, while others are ranked using earnings. By statistically analysing the rankings and plotting them onto graphs, the researchers found that the distributions for each sport were almost identical.
The reason why the ranking systems have a common distribution is unknown and is the latest example of a phenomenon that abides by the mysterious 'power laws' -- a term used to describe phenomena where large events are rare and small events are common.
In the past, research has shown that the frequency of words in different texts, the size of cities and people's income all abide by the same power law.
Co-author of the study, Dr Wei Li, said: "Let's take human wealth. The chance of being a billionaire is small, but not zero as we see thousands of them in the world. At the same time, the chance of being poor is very high. We call this distribution a power law and, for some unknown reason, witness exactly the same distribution in other everyday phenomena.
"The sports ranking systems we analysed all follow similar power-laws."
The researchers, from Hua-Zhong Normal University, ISMANS (LUNAM Université), Université de Maine and Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, also found that the sport rankings agree with a maxim known as the Pareto principle.
Also known as the 80-20 rule, this states that, for many events, roughly 80 per cent of the effects come from 20 per cent of the causes. Vilfredo Pareto noticed this in 1906 when he found that 80 per cent of Italy's land was owned by 20 per cent of the population. The rule also applied to a variety of other countries he analysed.
In all of the sports analysed, 20 per cent of the players possessed 80 per cent of the total scores of the whole system.
"We all want to be the best or at least one of the best in some aspects. A businessman wants to be Bill Gates; a model wants to be Cindy Crawford; a tennis player wants to be Roger Federer. The idea of ranking is ubiquitous throughout our human society and we have found that for a number of sports, there is a similar law which dictates how these rankings pan out," continued Dr Li.
'Half-Match' Bone Marrow Transplants Wipe out Sickle Cell Disease in Selected Patients
In a preliminary clinical trial, investigators at Johns Hopkins have
shown that even partially-matched bone marrow transplants can eliminate
sickle cell disease in some patients, ridding them of painful and
debilitating symptoms, and the need for a lifetime of pain medications
and blood transfusions. The researchers say the use of such marrow could
potentially help make bone marrow transplants accessible to a majority
of sickle cell patients who need them.
After a median follow-up of two years, the transplants successfully eliminated sickle cell disease in 11 of 17 patients. Three were fully matched to their donors and eight received half-matched donor marrow. All 11 patients are free of painful sickle cell crises and 10 no longer have anemia. There were no deaths and no unexpected toxicities.
Six of the 11 patients (all half-matched) have stopped taking immunosuppressive drugs, although some still require narcotics for chronic pain because of sickle cell-related organ damage. Blood tests on the six patients show that their red cells are now completely derived from their donor's marrow.
Patients with severe sickle cell disease (SCD) face shortened life spans, intractable pain and eventual organ damage as a result of their disease, an inherited disorder caused by a mistake in the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells. The flawed genetic code stiffens red cells, and shapes them into a pronged "sickle" that clump and stick into blood vessel walls, cutting off blood and oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body.
SCD occurs in approximately one in 400 African Americans, and rarely in Caucasians. An estimated 100,000 people are currently living with sickle cell disease in the U.S.
Most patients die before age 50, and many suffer poor quality of life with frequent episodes of "off-the-charts" pain, and an increased risk for kidney failure, stroke, deep-vein thrombosis, and lung disease.
Treatments include blood transfusions and a drug, hydroxyurea. Many patients use narcotics to control severe pain and have repeat hospitalizations. Bone marrow transplants have been successful in curing some cases, but matching donors are rare and the procedure itself poses risk.
In the current study, 17 patients at the Johns Hopkins Hospital were offered bone marrow transplant options, including the use of half-matched donor marrow to try and replace their "sickled" blood cells with new, healthy ones. The transplants were successful in 11 of the patients, of whom eight were only half-matches. Results of the trial were published in the Sept. 6 early online edition of Blood.
"We're trying to reformat the blood system and give patients new blood cells to replace the diseased ones, much like you would replace a computer's circuitry with an entirely new hard drive," says Robert Brodsky, M.D., director of the Division of Hematology at Johns Hopkins and The Johns Hopkins Family Professor of Medicine and Oncology. "While bone marrow transplants have long been known to cure sickle cell disease, only a small percentage of patients have fully matched, eligible donors."
National registries often are of little help in finding donors for sickle cell patients, because most of those in need are African American and other minorities who are vastly underrepresented in registries, say the Johns Hopkins researchers.
To overcome the shortage of donors, investigators at Johns Hopkins developed techniques, recently tested in leukemia and lymphoma patients, to transplant with bone marrow that is half-identical or "haploidentical" to the patient's tissue type. Half-matched bone marrow can be obtained from parents, children and most siblings, and is extracted by needle from the hip bone.
For the study, the Johns Hopkins team screened 19 patients to find bone marrow donors with either half-identical or fully matched tissue. Each transplant candidate had experienced many severe pain crises, significant organ problems, or had failed hydroxyruea, the only drug known to curtail sickle cell symptoms. The team found donors for 17 of the 19 patients: 14 were half-identical and three were fully matched siblings. The youngest patient was 15; the oldest 46.
Before each transplant, sickle cell patients received a "conditioning" regimen of low-dose immunosuppression drugs, low toxicity chemotherapy, and low-dose total body irradiation. Brodsky says this gentler approach to pre-transplant therapy has made transplant possible for sickle cell patients whose tissues and organs have been ravaged by the disease.
After the transplant, all patients received high doses of the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide, which kills remaining blood cells, including diseased sickled cells, and preserves the donor's stem cells responsible for making new, healthy cells.
Of the 17 patients, six transplants were not successful; however, because of the reduced intensity of the conditioning regimen, all of these patients recovered their own blood cells.
There were no deaths, some infections, and only slight skin-related graft versus host disease symptoms in one patient, which cleared without therapy, the researchers reported. Some brain swelling occurred in three patients during the conditioning period and resolved without neurologic damage.
The Johns Hopkins doctors say that while the majority of patients in the trial had successful transplants, about less than half did not.
"Sickle cell disease patients undergo multiple blood transfusions throughout their lives and may have acquired antibodies against many different blood types, making it more difficult than usual to give patients donated bone marrow." says Javier Bolaños-Meade, M.D., associate professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and principal investigator of the study.
Improving the rate of engraftment in haploidentical transplants for sickle cell disease remains a challenge, they say, but the researchers are looking for additional ways to overcome it, including increasing the number of stem cells transplanted and using other immunosuppressant drugs during the transplant.
After a median follow-up of two years, the transplants successfully eliminated sickle cell disease in 11 of 17 patients. Three were fully matched to their donors and eight received half-matched donor marrow. All 11 patients are free of painful sickle cell crises and 10 no longer have anemia. There were no deaths and no unexpected toxicities.
Six of the 11 patients (all half-matched) have stopped taking immunosuppressive drugs, although some still require narcotics for chronic pain because of sickle cell-related organ damage. Blood tests on the six patients show that their red cells are now completely derived from their donor's marrow.
Patients with severe sickle cell disease (SCD) face shortened life spans, intractable pain and eventual organ damage as a result of their disease, an inherited disorder caused by a mistake in the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells. The flawed genetic code stiffens red cells, and shapes them into a pronged "sickle" that clump and stick into blood vessel walls, cutting off blood and oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body.
SCD occurs in approximately one in 400 African Americans, and rarely in Caucasians. An estimated 100,000 people are currently living with sickle cell disease in the U.S.
Most patients die before age 50, and many suffer poor quality of life with frequent episodes of "off-the-charts" pain, and an increased risk for kidney failure, stroke, deep-vein thrombosis, and lung disease.
Treatments include blood transfusions and a drug, hydroxyurea. Many patients use narcotics to control severe pain and have repeat hospitalizations. Bone marrow transplants have been successful in curing some cases, but matching donors are rare and the procedure itself poses risk.
In the current study, 17 patients at the Johns Hopkins Hospital were offered bone marrow transplant options, including the use of half-matched donor marrow to try and replace their "sickled" blood cells with new, healthy ones. The transplants were successful in 11 of the patients, of whom eight were only half-matches. Results of the trial were published in the Sept. 6 early online edition of Blood.
"We're trying to reformat the blood system and give patients new blood cells to replace the diseased ones, much like you would replace a computer's circuitry with an entirely new hard drive," says Robert Brodsky, M.D., director of the Division of Hematology at Johns Hopkins and The Johns Hopkins Family Professor of Medicine and Oncology. "While bone marrow transplants have long been known to cure sickle cell disease, only a small percentage of patients have fully matched, eligible donors."
National registries often are of little help in finding donors for sickle cell patients, because most of those in need are African American and other minorities who are vastly underrepresented in registries, say the Johns Hopkins researchers.
To overcome the shortage of donors, investigators at Johns Hopkins developed techniques, recently tested in leukemia and lymphoma patients, to transplant with bone marrow that is half-identical or "haploidentical" to the patient's tissue type. Half-matched bone marrow can be obtained from parents, children and most siblings, and is extracted by needle from the hip bone.
For the study, the Johns Hopkins team screened 19 patients to find bone marrow donors with either half-identical or fully matched tissue. Each transplant candidate had experienced many severe pain crises, significant organ problems, or had failed hydroxyruea, the only drug known to curtail sickle cell symptoms. The team found donors for 17 of the 19 patients: 14 were half-identical and three were fully matched siblings. The youngest patient was 15; the oldest 46.
Before each transplant, sickle cell patients received a "conditioning" regimen of low-dose immunosuppression drugs, low toxicity chemotherapy, and low-dose total body irradiation. Brodsky says this gentler approach to pre-transplant therapy has made transplant possible for sickle cell patients whose tissues and organs have been ravaged by the disease.
After the transplant, all patients received high doses of the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide, which kills remaining blood cells, including diseased sickled cells, and preserves the donor's stem cells responsible for making new, healthy cells.
Of the 17 patients, six transplants were not successful; however, because of the reduced intensity of the conditioning regimen, all of these patients recovered their own blood cells.
There were no deaths, some infections, and only slight skin-related graft versus host disease symptoms in one patient, which cleared without therapy, the researchers reported. Some brain swelling occurred in three patients during the conditioning period and resolved without neurologic damage.
The Johns Hopkins doctors say that while the majority of patients in the trial had successful transplants, about less than half did not.
"Sickle cell disease patients undergo multiple blood transfusions throughout their lives and may have acquired antibodies against many different blood types, making it more difficult than usual to give patients donated bone marrow." says Javier Bolaños-Meade, M.D., associate professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and principal investigator of the study.
Improving the rate of engraftment in haploidentical transplants for sickle cell disease remains a challenge, they say, but the researchers are looking for additional ways to overcome it, including increasing the number of stem cells transplanted and using other immunosuppressant drugs during the transplant.
Bluetooth Shoes: A Newly Built Footwear For The Blind
stumbled upon this article, and think you should have a feel of what
technology can do. Now it's the time of the blind or
visually impaired people to be part of the technological moving trend!
Read and drop your comments.
MORE than 285m people across the globe suffer from visual impairment. Yet the tools to assist the blind in walking have changed little since the 1920s, when their canes started being painted white to make other pedestrians more aware of their presence. The gizmos that do exist have tended to be expensive and clunky, and have not caught on. This may change if Anirudh Sharma, a 24-year-old computer engineer from Hyderabad, a city in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, has his way.
His innovation, dubbed “Le Chal” ("take me along" in Hindi) pairs a smartphone app with a small actuator sewn inside the sole of one shoe via Bluetooth. The user tells the phone his desired destination, which is translated into electronic commands using voice-recognition software. The app, which can be programmed to run in the background, fetches the local map of the area. The phone’s Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks the person’s location in real-time, telling the actuator to vibrate when it is time to turn. The side of the shoe where the vibration is felt indicates which way to go. Mr Sharma opted for a vibrating signal because for the blind, who rely on their sense of hearing to make sense of the environment, audio feedback is a distraction.
The system does not require
constant internet access. Once downloaded, maps can be stored locally
and combined with GPS data. The app uses Open Street Maps (OSM), an
open-source rival to Google Maps. OSM allows editing, a helpful feature
in updating rapidly changing urban landscapes. A speed-dial function can
rapidly retrieve the most frequently visited routes.
The shoe pod is also equipped with an obstacle-detection mechanism. A sensor in the tip of the shoe, devised by Mr Sharma’s business partner, Krispian Lawrence, scans the vicinity using sonar, which emits ultrasounds that bounce off obstacles, indicating their presence. The shoe sets off a distinct pattern of vibrations to alert the person of any obstruction and guides him around it.
For now, the footwear, being tested at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, one of India’s biggest eye-health facilities, may be most useful in areas with little or no traffic, such as quiet residential streets or parks. The challenge, Mr Lawrence says, is to get the algorithm to tell an uncovered manhole from a flight of stairs, but he expects it to be able to do so in due course. Dealing with moving obstacles like cars may take longer, though the pair are working on ways to alert wearers not just about cars' presence, but also their speed.
To ensure that the final product resembles a regular shoe, fashion technologists are being consulted to help with ergonomics and design. Mr Sharma and Mr Lawrence, who started a company called Ducere Technologies to commercialise their idea, say their high-tech brogues should not cost more than an ordinary, stylish pair. Many of the world's visually impaired will like the sound of that.
MORE than 285m people across the globe suffer from visual impairment. Yet the tools to assist the blind in walking have changed little since the 1920s, when their canes started being painted white to make other pedestrians more aware of their presence. The gizmos that do exist have tended to be expensive and clunky, and have not caught on. This may change if Anirudh Sharma, a 24-year-old computer engineer from Hyderabad, a city in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, has his way.
His innovation, dubbed “Le Chal” ("take me along" in Hindi) pairs a smartphone app with a small actuator sewn inside the sole of one shoe via Bluetooth. The user tells the phone his desired destination, which is translated into electronic commands using voice-recognition software. The app, which can be programmed to run in the background, fetches the local map of the area. The phone’s Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks the person’s location in real-time, telling the actuator to vibrate when it is time to turn. The side of the shoe where the vibration is felt indicates which way to go. Mr Sharma opted for a vibrating signal because for the blind, who rely on their sense of hearing to make sense of the environment, audio feedback is a distraction.

The shoe pod is also equipped with an obstacle-detection mechanism. A sensor in the tip of the shoe, devised by Mr Sharma’s business partner, Krispian Lawrence, scans the vicinity using sonar, which emits ultrasounds that bounce off obstacles, indicating their presence. The shoe sets off a distinct pattern of vibrations to alert the person of any obstruction and guides him around it.
For now, the footwear, being tested at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, one of India’s biggest eye-health facilities, may be most useful in areas with little or no traffic, such as quiet residential streets or parks. The challenge, Mr Lawrence says, is to get the algorithm to tell an uncovered manhole from a flight of stairs, but he expects it to be able to do so in due course. Dealing with moving obstacles like cars may take longer, though the pair are working on ways to alert wearers not just about cars' presence, but also their speed.
To ensure that the final product resembles a regular shoe, fashion technologists are being consulted to help with ergonomics and design. Mr Sharma and Mr Lawrence, who started a company called Ducere Technologies to commercialise their idea, say their high-tech brogues should not cost more than an ordinary, stylish pair. Many of the world's visually impaired will like the sound of that.
Samsung Galaxy S3 Surpasses Its 10million Sales Mark Earlier Than Predicted! [About 190,000 Of It Sold Every day]
Here it comes again! The global sales of Samsung Electronics popular demand "Galaxy S3 smartphones" have surpassed the 10 million mark sales predicted for it in less than two months after its official release in May, 25 2012.
Shin Jong-kyun, the president of Samsung's information technology and mobile communication division, made this known to reporters that the Android-powered smartphone had surpassed the 10 million sales mark earlier predicted for July 2012. He however, did not reveal specific sales figures, according to the Yonhap news agency. Doing the math, the report made by Shin Jong-kyun translates to about 190,000 Galaxy S3 devices sold every day for the past two months.
Earlier this month, if you can recall, I made a post on the sales mark prediction made by the Samsung Chief Executive that Galaxy S3 would sold up to 10million units before the end of July. The boss was however, proven otherwise when the smartphone hit the mark earlier that expected and still continued to sale.
What Sprint Says About Galaxy S3
Sprint, last month announced that due to the "overwhelming demand" of the Galaxy S3, that Samsung was forced to delay its handset's June 21 launch. Presently, the android-powered iPhone which is available through AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon, is one of the most sought-after smartphones on the market.
The Galaxy S3, offers a dual-core processor, a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display with a 1,280x720-pixel resolution. I already did an article on the full review. You can check out the Samsung Galaxy S3 Review
Samsung Galaxy S3 has been swept up in a patent battle between Apple and Samsung, with the iPhone maker attempting to secure an injunction against U.S. sales of the device, but that effort was tabled last month when Koh ruled there were already too many issues to consider.
Industry watchers said that since Samsung's main rival Apple Inc. is not expected to unveil its next generation iPhone until September or October, the Galaxy S3s sales should remain strong in the third quarter.
When Samsung Galaxy S3 was first launched in Nigeria, a tremendous rush and demand was experienced, and it has been like that till date. If you reside in Nigeria, and you wish to have a feel of this smartphone, you can check out the Samsung Mobile Dealers in Nigeria and how much it costs in Nigeria.
The Samsung's android smartphone, afterall, may mot be as perfect as ever! A study done on it has revealed "The Greatest No.1 Problem of Samsung Galaxy S3". You should read it!
Have you already been using this smartphone? Do you really think it's worth this sales? I will like to hear your thoughts in comments...
Shin Jong-kyun, the president of Samsung's information technology and mobile communication division, made this known to reporters that the Android-powered smartphone had surpassed the 10 million sales mark earlier predicted for July 2012. He however, did not reveal specific sales figures, according to the Yonhap news agency. Doing the math, the report made by Shin Jong-kyun translates to about 190,000 Galaxy S3 devices sold every day for the past two months.

What Sprint Says About Galaxy S3
Sprint, last month announced that due to the "overwhelming demand" of the Galaxy S3, that Samsung was forced to delay its handset's June 21 launch. Presently, the android-powered iPhone which is available through AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon, is one of the most sought-after smartphones on the market.
The Galaxy S3, offers a dual-core processor, a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display with a 1,280x720-pixel resolution. I already did an article on the full review. You can check out the Samsung Galaxy S3 Review
Samsung Galaxy S3 has been swept up in a patent battle between Apple and Samsung, with the iPhone maker attempting to secure an injunction against U.S. sales of the device, but that effort was tabled last month when Koh ruled there were already too many issues to consider.
Industry watchers said that since Samsung's main rival Apple Inc. is not expected to unveil its next generation iPhone until September or October, the Galaxy S3s sales should remain strong in the third quarter.
When Samsung Galaxy S3 was first launched in Nigeria, a tremendous rush and demand was experienced, and it has been like that till date. If you reside in Nigeria, and you wish to have a feel of this smartphone, you can check out the Samsung Mobile Dealers in Nigeria and how much it costs in Nigeria.
The Samsung's android smartphone, afterall, may mot be as perfect as ever! A study done on it has revealed "The Greatest No.1 Problem of Samsung Galaxy S3". You should read it!
Have you already been using this smartphone? Do you really think it's worth this sales? I will like to hear your thoughts in comments...
Nigeria's Low-Cost Tablet Computer "Inye" Featured On BBC's Series African Dream
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Saheed Adepoju: I pitched the idea to my parents, who gave me £40,000 to start with |
Recently, the hand work of the 29-year-old entrepreneur was featured on the BBC's Series African Dream, where he disclosed some facts about the invention of the African low cost iPad.
According to the 29-year-old entrepreneur, his machine's key selling point is its price - $350 (£225) opposed to around $700 for an iPad. He believes that, because of this, there is a big market for it in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa, particularly amongst students.
He is also hoping to sell his tablet - which runs on the Google Android operating system - to the Nigerian government and plans to have at least one computer in each local government area.
"The Inye is a mobile internet device. It gives you access to the internet; it allows you to play media files and watch movies. What we have is an 8-inch device, a device that is half-way between a laptop and a mobile phone," he told the BBC's series African Dream.
"You have the standard software applications that come pre-installed and then you have the ones that we are working with various local developers to bundle on," he added.
Among those local apps there is one designed to raise awareness about HIV and others related to water and sanitation.
"We work with local developers that have expertise in particular areas so that we don't end up doing so much work and we just have a collaborative way of doing things together," he said.
'Word of mouth'
Mr Adepoju has a background in software development and is a Sun-certified Java programmer. After doing a first degree in maths and computer science in Nigeria, he completed another one in advanced computing by research at Bournemouth University, in the United Kingdom. Upon graduation in 2009, he returned to his home country and started working for a consulting firm.
"Within eight months I got fired, primarily because of differences in approach to doing business. In the middle of all this, the Apple iPad launched, back in January of 2010, which inspired us to actually look to build such a product within the African marketplace," the entrepreneur told the BBC Africa's Chris Ewokor.
He said that, with that goal in mind, he borrowed money from friends and family, raising a total of about $60,000.
According to him, all of that went on the devices and the logistics - there was no budget for marketing, so early advertising was "word of mouth" on social media.
The first 100 units of the Inye, which means One in Nigeria's Igala language, were built in China and, after receiving feedback from its users, a second version was launched in May 2011.
Encipher Group, the company he cofounded with web developer Anibe Agamah, also offers customised IT services and products, including cloud computing, which are mostly based on open technology to keep costs down.
Raising capital
According to Mr Adepoju, the company and the apps it develops are focused on preserving local culture through technology and making products which are specific to the local market.
Another product that the firm has been working on is Encipher TV, a box where people can watch African television, plays and films. However, he says that it has not been easy to raise capital in order to develop the business faster.
"Here venture capital (VC) is still in its infancy and most VC firms wound want to invest in tried and trusted companies that have gained some form of traction," he said.
"We face the challenge of getting people to listen to the various propositions. We've been to a number of private investors and also to the government," he explained.
Not surprisingly, his immediate plan is to "try and raise capital from whatever sources we can get - locally, internationally or privately - and to try and still to push the brand forward as much as we can".
Will his tablet computer succeed in such a competitive environment? Only time will tell but Mr Adepoju and his colleagues are adamant that it will, not only in Nigeria but also in other African markets.
For full spec and features of the "Inye" read: African Steve Jobs! Nigerian Student Launches ‘African iPad’ in United Kingdom
About African Dream
African Dream is broadcast on the BBC Network Africa programme every Monday morning, and on BBC World News throughout the day on Fridays
Every week, one successful business man or woman will explain how they started off and what others could learn from them.
Article was originally published on BBC News Africa
SLOT Systems Nigeria: Branches and Price List Of Phones(BlackBerry,Iphones, iPads, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG etc)
If you reside in Lagos State
or you live very close to Lagos, then you might find this post
interesting. When it comes to buying an original mobile phone there is
need to make inquiries, that is if you really want to enjoy your hard
earned money! I may not be the first person to tell you that there are
thousands of fake mobile phone shops
scattered in the street of Lagos and beyond. So far, people have
testified and are still testifying of product and services rendered by SLOT SYSTEMS NIGERIA, myself is a living testimony!
When it comes to selling ORIGINAL mobile phones, Slot Systems Nigeria is the best. You buy mobile phones with full guarantee and of course receive some bonus on customer care related services. You can try them out today to have your own experience! To help you narrow down your search, I added some branches of Slot Nigeria for those living very far from Lagos. However, this post was primarily targeted for Lagos State residents.
No 2B, Medical Road Ikeja Lagos
Phone No: 01-7388168, 08034620000
See below the front side of Slot Systems Outlet in Lagos as at the time of this post:
Other Branches of Slot Systems Nigeria Include:
Phone No: 07028863074
Lagos - State.
15/19 Ola-Ayeni Street. Ikeja Lagos
Phone No: 07029291903, 01-8228716
33, Oyemekun Road Opposite Wema Bank, Akure
Phone No: 08033035850
Ondo - State
Lenus Shopping Plaza, Abacha Rd.
Phone No: 07029333643
Aba Road, Waterline Roundabout
Phone No: 07029333643
Arena Complex, Shop C5, 01, 02, 19 & 20
Bolade bus-stop, oshodi
Phone No: 08191350602, 01-7384211
Block A, Shop 2 Airport Bus-stop.
Phone No: 07028415477
Suite C16/17 New Bannex Plaza
Wuse 2.
Phone No: 07028950193
13A, Saka Tinubu Street.
Phone No: 07028864634
19 Lalubu road
Abeokuta, ogun state
Mokola roundabout
MRS filling station
68, Eket Oron road
Eket, Akwa-Ibom State
Plot 69, line A
NDDC road, Ewet Housing Estate
51 road, 512 junction, festac town lagos
07031543570, 08190409086
18 Ndidem Usiang iso
besides Lions club park
You can view the Price List Of Mobile Phones Sold At Slot Nigeria so you can know the prize range of their products and possibly how much you will be budgeting.
When it comes to selling ORIGINAL mobile phones, Slot Systems Nigeria is the best. You buy mobile phones with full guarantee and of course receive some bonus on customer care related services. You can try them out today to have your own experience! To help you narrow down your search, I added some branches of Slot Nigeria for those living very far from Lagos. However, this post was primarily targeted for Lagos State residents.
Where is Slot Systems Nigeria Located in Lagos State?
Slot Systems Nigeria is primarily situated in Ikeja, the State Capital
of Lagos State. You can get them precisely at the address below:SLOT SYSTEMS NIGERIA
Phone No: 01-7388168, 08034620000
See below the front side of Slot Systems Outlet in Lagos as at the time of this post:
![Slot Outlet in Lagos [Front View] SLOT Systems Nigeria: Branches and Price List Of Phones(BlackBerry,Iphones, iPads, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG etc)](
95, Kofo Abayomi street, Opp. Ceaser's Palace, Apapa Wharf.Phone No: 07028863074
Lagos - State.
Phone No: 07029291903, 01-8228716
Phone No: 08033035850
Ondo - State
Phone No: 07029333643
Phone No: 07029333643
Bolade bus-stop, oshodi
Phone No: 08191350602, 01-7384211
Phone No: 07028415477
Wuse 2.
Phone No: 07028950193
Phone No: 07028864634
Abeokuta, ogun state
MRS filling station
Eket, Akwa-Ibom State
NDDC road, Ewet Housing Estate
07031543570, 08190409086
besides Lions club park
What Brands of Phones Can Be Found at Slot Systems Nigeria?
Like I said earlier, Slot Systems Nigeria is a home for all your mobile
phone needs. They have all kinds of mobile phones ranging from
BlackBerry, Iphones, Nokia phones, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson, etc. When
you get there you will have many choice to make!
Can I View Products and Service of Slot Nigeria Online?
Of course you can. Their website address is http://www.slotlimited.comYou can view the Price List Of Mobile Phones Sold At Slot Nigeria so you can know the prize range of their products and possibly how much you will be budgeting.
How To Personalize Your Gmail with Different Themes
Gmail by default has a simple look which of course is very professional
for most people. While it is programmed to appear simple and promising,
there are also an option to freely personalize it with different themes.
Google has remained the number one when it comes to making their
products counts and Gmail being its free email service is not left
behind. In this post, I will showing you a very simple way of
personalizing your Gmail account with several beautiful themes which you
can play with until you find the best of them or the one that suits
your taste. Lets see the screen-shot of some these themes:
Remember, I said it very simple, and simple it is!
Step 1: Log into and sign in using your Gmail address
Step 2: Once you are on Inbox click on "Settings" on the left side of your Inbox and go to "themes" section.
Step 3: Select from the several themes and you are done!
Enjoy your newly personalized Gmail Account! Cheers!
How To Personalize Your Gmail Inbox
Step 1: Log into and sign in using your Gmail address
Step 2: Once you are on Inbox click on "Settings" on the left side of your Inbox and go to "themes" section.
Step 3: Select from the several themes and you are done!
Enjoy your newly personalized Gmail Account! Cheers!
How to Generate Google Analytics Tracking Code [Theory and Video Tutorial]
Today we shall be looking at how you can generate your blog Google Analytics tracking code using the theoretical and video approach. I
decided to make this post following the experience I had when I was fond
of changing templates on my blogs.
Each time you make changes or upload a new template to an existing blog containing a Google analytics code, the change affects the tracking code, which means you will be having problem of tracking the activities on your blog.
Now because you only get to generate the tracking code the straight way only when you are adding the code for the first time, it is not the same when you want to generate it again. Hence, this post will help you learn the means of generating your blog Google analytics code.
Step 1: Go to and sign in using the email address you used to open your blog
Step 2: Once you are logged on your account, your account profile will display just like the screen-shot below"
As indicated on the screen-shot above, click on +Add new profile" and then proceed to the next step
Step 3: The next step will prompt you to choose an existing profile or create an entirely profile to generate the code. Select the "add a profile for a new domain" option and fill enter your blog URL in the form (in my case it would be See the screen-shot below:
Step 4: Also follow the arrows as they have been added on the screen-shot above to complete the process. Select the "add a profile for a new domain > type in the domain name or URL of your blog > type in your country and finally hit the "Continue button below it.
Step 5: The Google Analytics Tracking Code will immediately be generated for you which will look like the one below:
Step 6: Paste the code immediately before the </body> tag or immediately before the <head> tag of your page, make sure not to alter the code, leave it the way it is.
Allow Google some hours to gather data from your blog, so that your blog's status can be ascertained.
If you find it hard following my steps above (which I doubt you will have) then proceed to the video tutorial below:
Each time you make changes or upload a new template to an existing blog containing a Google analytics code, the change affects the tracking code, which means you will be having problem of tracking the activities on your blog.
Now because you only get to generate the tracking code the straight way only when you are adding the code for the first time, it is not the same when you want to generate it again. Hence, this post will help you learn the means of generating your blog Google analytics code.
Step 1: Go to and sign in using the email address you used to open your blog
Step 2: Once you are logged on your account, your account profile will display just like the screen-shot below"
As indicated on the screen-shot above, click on +Add new profile" and then proceed to the next step
Step 3: The next step will prompt you to choose an existing profile or create an entirely profile to generate the code. Select the "add a profile for a new domain" option and fill enter your blog URL in the form (in my case it would be See the screen-shot below:
Step 4: Also follow the arrows as they have been added on the screen-shot above to complete the process. Select the "add a profile for a new domain > type in the domain name or URL of your blog > type in your country and finally hit the "Continue button below it.
Step 5: The Google Analytics Tracking Code will immediately be generated for you which will look like the one below:
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}
Step 6: Paste the code immediately before the </body> tag or immediately before the <head> tag of your page, make sure not to alter the code, leave it the way it is.
Allow Google some hours to gather data from your blog, so that your blog's status can be ascertained.
If you find it hard following my steps above (which I doubt you will have) then proceed to the video tutorial below:
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-35006320-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-35006320-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
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